Pumping yourself up to get in that workout - It's all how you look at it
fitness and being active has always been something that i grew up around; my earliest memories are no joke cheering my mom on at one race or another (my brother and i only gathered around to watch the finish and before that we were more interested in playing on whatever was nearby that we could turn into a sort of playground) and until i started having slumber parties at my friends' houses i thought everyone's parents got up early and went for a run or worked out. still, even though i grew up around running i had no real desire to pursue it myself; i actually thought it was kind of pointless and would rather play an actual 'game' like soccer. in fact when my mom first suggested i try cross country (after having not been able to make any other team...coordination i do not have!)i thought it was a group of people that traveled. but i was an active kid and i did like getting outside and doing something whether it was a pick-up game of sorts or exploring trails. even though i grew up in the early beginnings of the TV and video game mayhem that has swept the current youth, i think even if given the option to stay indoors 24/7 i would have rather been out playing.

i'm still the same way, if not more so now. i love the feeling after getting in a good sweat; i feel like i've accomplished something. with my injury getting in a workout was at first impossible but now i can do so albeit with limitations. in getting the Krankcycle i am not able to get in some cardio activity but that has really lifted my spirits too. there are plenty of studies showing that exercise is not only good for the body, in fact necessary, but for the mind too. whenever i was hurt before i can attest to getting more glum and moody; i just feel off. fitness has become so much a part of my life that when people ask how i can possible want to run everyday, i tell them it's like brushing my teeth; i just feel dirty or uncomfortable without doing it. this is not the same kind of outlook many people have regarding exercise, and i can admit that my own motivation can wane. this is especially true if i'm doing something that may not be an activity i am used to or particularly enjoy all that much. this has been the case with the Krankcycle; yes i do it because i like being active and doing cadio activity but do i wake up jazzed and excited to do it...no, not really. i do it though because i know i will feel better afterwards (and actually i start feeling better after the first few minutes) and that it is good for me too and is helping with my rehab. i've already seen improvements in my strength and that is encouraging; in fact seeing those gains keeps me motivated to keep at it.

when i do get back running, and i have to believe i will, i want to have come out of this with at least some of my cardio fitness retained and i think i will. i have been able to adapt certain workouts that i've done running to the Krankcycle; interval training can be done on nearly any machine and also tempo like efforts. i will gladly post more details about what i'm doing later if there is interest, but the bottom line is that sometimes motivating oneself to get in a workout can be a bit of an effort at first...but i guarantee that when you stick with it it will become easier and as you improve that feeling is often enough to spur you to actually wanting to get to it! but everyone has those days when getting started may be harder than usual but what helps for me is to picture how good i will feel when i'm done. i also have stocked up my iPod with a nice little pump-up playlist of fast paced songs; that helps me when i'm on the Krank and starting to tire and feel that burn because the music helps take my mind off of that and it usually can make me go faster.

for anyone who may not particularly like exercise or have fallen off the wagon per se, i encourage you to start back up. i'm having to pick a new activity that may not be my first choice but i'm making the best of it, and *gasp* i am in fact staring to maybe, just a bit like it...yes, it's really my only option for now but i'm making the best of it and i feel that i can make it fun by mixing up my workouts that i do on there. and that can apply to you too; of course pick something you enjoy but know that nearly anything can be tweaked to be made more fun and interesting. so let's all get our sweat on and know you'll feel insurmountably much better not only physically but mentally too.

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