The state of the economy is tough on everyone. We are all copiously scouring our expenses looking for ways to cut back and save money. Unfortunately, one of the first things to go are the gym memberships and personal training sessions. But that doesn’t mean you have to toss your exercise routine out the window too. There are plenty of moves you can do with little or no gym equipment that will still give you all the benefits your costly membership once did!
This workout will combine quick bursts of cardio to get your heart rate up in the right target zone and then incorporate strength moves to get you lean and toned. The best part is you can do this routine virtually anywhere, even while catching up on your favorite TV shows!
* Jog in place for 5 minutes—it’s always best to warm-up into any routine
* 15 push-ups—drop on the floor and pump these out without a break
* 15 chair dips—keeping the momentum, place your hands on a stationary chair or chair step and extend your feet in front of you; lower yourself until your arms are bent at the elbow at 90 degrees and parallel to the floor, and then raise yourself back up until your arms are straight
* Jump rope for 5 minutes—if you don’t have a rope, just jump in place keeping your heart pumping
* 30 lunges—hands on hips and feet together, extend your right leg and drop into a deep lunge until your left knee is almost touching the floor and then push yourself back to the starting position and repeat with your left leg in front. Do 15 on each leg for a total of 30 lunges
* 15 bicep curls—grabbing either 5 or 10 pound weights, or you can get creative and use filled water bottles or even canned goods; as long as you feel the burn my the last few
* Stair stepping for 5 minutes—finding either a step or raised surface alternate stepping your feet one at a time up onto the stair and then down; you will stay in the same place, but with one foot on the stair and the other under you as you quickly switch the positions of your feet
* 15 squats—squat down low and work to keep your weight balanced on your heels
* 15 upright rows—grabbing your weights or water bottles stand with your feet shoulder width apart and arms hanging in front of your hips; pull your arms upward in front of your torso until your upper arms are at shoulder height and bent at the elbow. Lower your arms and repeat.
* Scissor step for 5 minutes—place your hands and feet on the floor and bend at the waist so that your bottom is toward the ceiling. Alternate hopping your right foot forward and then switch positions so that your left leg jumps forward as your right goes back
* 30 second plank—placing yourself in the push-up position, hold yourself up concentrating on pulling your abs in and keeping your back straight
* 30 crunches * 5 minutes sideways hops—facing forward with your feet together jump first to the right and then the left; keep yourself working and sweating!
* 15 side arm raises—with a weight in each hand and your arms at your side, keep your arms straight and lift them until they are shoulder height and parallel with the ground. Lower your arms and repeat.
* 30 front punches—with the same weights alternate punching one arm in front of you and then the other for a total of 15 punches on each side.
* 5 minutes running in place—gradually work yourself into a cool-down
You’ve just done a perfect total body workout while getting your pulse moving and lungs working. The strength moves will help build muscle and the combined cardio will help you torch calories, and the best part is you didn’t have to spend a penny!
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