For any of those currently enveloped in the latest season of The Biggest Loser, along with the continued eliminations and goals of the contestants still striving to win the title, one particular contestant has won over our hearts for her bravery in the face of tragedy. While she has already been voted off of the show, Abby Rike has overcome personal loss to come to the point she is at today. In a devastating accident that claimed her beloved two children and husband, she had ventured to the ranch not only to reach a healthy weight but to reclaim her life.
Through finding peace in exercise and a healthy diet, she hoped to set herself up for the best possible chance at healing her own emotional wounds. In fact, the mind and body correlation is quite strong and with a healthy body comes a stronger spirit as well. It is true that exercise can not only help with healing but battling depression as well. I've spoken before of the mood enhancing effects of the endorphins released from exercise, but working out can further help the mind through struggles and times of great stress and loss.
Being physical, such as you are when you are working out, can not only help take one's mind from what may be tying it up or circulating, but can also clear your focus and get you in a more logical and serene state of mind. By taking your focus from a more emotional state with exercise, you can clear a lot of the circular or obsessive thoughts or tendencies and think of ways that can impact or change your life for the better. Of course personal losses and tragedies will no doubt still be hard to cope with, but in exercising you are given an outlet for a release of the accumulating hurt and feelings.
When Abby Rike looked to a way to heal her emotional scars by a physical means she can then gain a healthier body while achieving a healthier state of mind. An exercise routine will also aide in her own mental work, as we are minds and bodies connected.
As for last night's Biggest Loser, for those contestants sill at the farm actively engaging in ways to create their own healthier bodies and lifestyles, both Shay Sorrells and Daniel Wright were asked to leave. In a turn of events that lead to two people leaving, in only true rating inspired drama, they will now pack their bags to hopefully continue on their own weight loss and fitness goals at home.
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