Making headlines across the Nation, Rachael Ray fans and viewers are eagerly anticipating today's show. This Thursday, November 19th, taking center stage, or center kitchen rather, on Rachel Ray will be the woman who reportedly lost six pounds in only two days following the diet plan written in, '400 Calorie Fix'. This new diet book entitled of course, the '400 Calorie Fix' was put together by the same authors behind the Flat Belly Diet.
While it has not hit bookstores or the online market yet, '400 Calorie Fix' has already created quite a stir. On today's show Rachael Ray will talk to this newly slim woman as to what her days looked like and what she did to drop all that weight. In what has already been revealed, the diet plan is nothing more than simply portion control and keeping your eating habits in check. While this is nothing revolutionary in nature, it puts a different spin on it in implementing four 400 calorie meals spaced through the day. This is good at training you to establish portion control, and by continuing to keep your body fueled your metabolism will be most effective at burning those calories.
The '400 Calorie Fix' touts that you can still eat all of your favorite foods, just so long as you keep each meal at 400 calories or less. It is appealing in that no foods are off limits, and I do give it credit for debunking the whole 'good food, bad food' stigmas, but as for the six pounds in two days I am still skeptic. It takes a negative amount of 3,500 calories to lose a single pound, and if this lady dropped that much so fast a good portion or it is inevitably water weight. Yet the message is still true: eat what you want in moderate amounts and practice portion control.
I've written before how you can incorporate any kind of food into your diet and still both lose weight and live healthy. You need to just be conscious of what you're putting into your mouth and in what portion size. If it takes reading the '400 Calorie Fix' to bring that message home to people so be it; if you get eating healthier and living a better life for it, that's great. But don't expect to lose six pounds in two days as it's unrealistic and unhealthy, and obsessing over any kind of diet could put you at risk for an eating disorder.
I've said it time and time again, eat sensibly and over time the weight loss will follow. Add exercise into the mix and you've got the recipe for success, with or without Rachael Ray's cooking!
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