Summer is turning out to be a scorcher! Well at least here, and other parts of the US there are some intense heat waves hitting and while this may not be exactly out of the ordinary for some of the areas (It's not like one pictures Texas in July to be particularly chilly!) it still means that
if you are running our exercising outside you do need to take some extra measures to make sure you are safe. There are always more cases of deaths due to heat exposure during this time of the year and while it may seem only the young and elderly are at risk that's not the truth. Even if you are fit as can be and an avid exerciser you can make a mistake or use poor judgment which may not end up in death but could result in health concerns or side effects lasting for days.
This may seem like common sense but sometimes in the heat of the moment (haha...yes, lame pun there sorry!) we are all guilty of acting foolishly. So here are some quick tips for scorching summer training:
1) Stay hydrated: This is probably the most important thing but commonly gets overlooked; the thing is some people just plum forget to drink and then later when then wind up feeling faint, dizzy, or tired they don't know why.
Dehydration is never a good thing, particularly for runners and other regular exercisers, but it something many fall victim to if even in a milder state. By the time you actually feel thirsty you're already mildly dehydrated; so stay ahead of the game and sip often and regularly. You also need to drink more than just water because you need electrolytes which come from sports drinks.
2) Plan your timing: If you are going to be running outside don't go during the hottest time of the day. That may mean getting up earlier but it is worth it; even if you run after the sun goes down in many places the temperature then is still much higher than in the early morning hours. Bite the bullet and get out the door before the sun has a chance to make the mercury rise.
3) Think about hitting the treadmill: Treadmill running is not for 'wimps' and if the weather conditions outside are just too severe take it indoors. In the end you will not only be safer but you will probably
get in a better workout too. Exercising and running in intense heat makes the body work harder and your times will reflect that; if you hit the treadmill you will probably end up going faster and feel better at the end.
4) Make a splash: If you are cross training or want to mix it up you can always hit the pool for an aqua-jogging session. The summer is a great time to do this as the pool is much more appealing now than in the dead of winter and aqua-jogging is also
a lot easier on the joints.Finally one last things to keep in mind is that different surfaces will react differently to the heat; for example if you are running on the hot black pavement or grass there will be even more heat radiated and humidity. If possible stay on lighter surfaces and opt for a trail over a grassy field; just things to keep in mind. What may seem like obvious measures to keep cool can make a big difference and I myself am guilty of making a stupid mistake thinking it's not that 'big' of a deal if I go out in the hottest part of the day. But even if you aren't in serious risk, like death, you can be left with the lingering effects for days afterward...you'll be more tired and zapped of strength which isn't fun nor conducive to training. So stay cool out there and be
smart in those summer runs. :)
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