It's no secret that Americans love their burgers. With the most popular fast food restaurants being hamburger chains this evidence is scattered across the nation with McDonald's, Burger Kings, Wendy's, In-N-Outs, and the like littering street corners as much as Starbucks. But if you have a hankering for a good old fashioned hamburger you could be startled to learn that some of these gargantuan burgers are calorie and and fat laden bombs ready to wreck havoc on your arteries and waistlines.
While there are burgers that can be relatively healthy, the regular McDonald's hamburger sans cheese comes in at 280 calories and 10 grams of fat and the Carl's Junior regular plain burger has about the same stats, should you instead go for a double or triple burger with the works you could be inhaling upwards of 700 calories and 40 grams of fat!
The results are in for the worst hamburgers making their way to you from fast-food restaurants and if you plan on hitting the drive through any time soon you will do well to avoid these meat distastes. Coming in with 700 calories and 40 grams of fat is the Wendy's Double with Everything and Cheese burger. Add that with a side of fries and a coke and you have a nasty combination. Instead if you were to go with the Jr. Hamburger (270 calories and 9 grams of fat) or the Grilled Chicken Sandwich (300 calories and 7 grams of fat) you could do your health a favor.
The Carl's Jr. Six Dollar Burger with 890 calories and 54 grams of fat comes in as the Worst Burger Brand of them all. Each of the Six Dollar Burgers are about the same in terms of unhealthy stats and if you are dining at this joint you will want to stick with the junior burger or the Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich with only 290 calories and 3.5 grams of fat. For the Worst 'Original Burger' that title goes to Hardee's Original Thickburger with 910 calories and 64 fat grams. If you must have a big burger while at Hardee's go with the Double Cheeseburger that will give you plenty of meat but cut the calories down to 510 and 26 grams of fat, which is still high but not as horrendous as the first.
Finally, so which hamburger is the overall worst, most gluttonous, and the gold medal winner in terms of being a jeans buster? That goes to the heavyweight champion Burger King's Triple Whopper Sandwich with Cheese and Mayo. This will cost you 1,250 calories and 84 grams of fat! With three stacks of beef, and generally not all that high quality or appetizing to begin with, this burger when paired with fries and a drink could constitute the amount of calories you should be eating for an entire day. So if you are at Burger King you could get a regular burger for 290 calories and 12 grams of fat or the BK Broiler Chicken Sandwich with only 267 calories and 8 grams of fat. If that isn't enough for you you could choose the Tendergrill Chicken Sandwich with Mayo and then consume 490 calories and 21 grams of fat.
Dining out on burgers doesn't have to leave you with a spare tire, and even the 'worst' foods can be incorporated into an overall healthy diet an exercise routine. However some of the worse offenders should be avoided simply because of just how much saturated fat is in them and there are other options that are just as tasty but better for you. So when you are hitting the drive through next time go in armed with the information on those nutrition labels!
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