Kim Kardashian citing Quick Trim for great weight loss

When it comes to diet and weight loss many people are looking for the magic bullet or surefire quick and easy fix. Well Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe Kardashian have claimed to have found just that. They have both teamed up to endorse the Quick Trim diet pill and in addition to this diet supplement have followed a diet and exercise routine that have left them both trimmer and more toned.

Apparently Kim Kardashian has touted a six pound weight loss off of her 5'3" inch frame on her website, and while she did consciously try to eat healthier and do plenty of cardio, like dancing, to burn calories she claims that the Quick Trim diet pill allowed her to lose weight faster and easier. Kim is now at her target weight goal her sister Khloe Kardashian is still working to peel off some of the love weight her new marriage came with but has already boasted of losing 20 pounds in only four weeks. While both of the Kardashians exclaim that 'Quick Trim does a body good!' it is not yet approved by the FDA.

This leads to inevitable point that while there may be certain products that work for some, sticking to a good old fashioned healthy diet and exercise program is the most effective way to lose weight, get fit, and remain that way for the long haul. Finding workouts that make your feel good, get your heart pumping, and motivate you to keep going back for more is the best remedy for getting rid of any extra bulge. A quick fix, like Quick Trim and other similar products, may be tempting but at the same time they do come with side effects such as an irregular heartbeat, headache, dizziness, raised blood pressure, and more. All of which you can avoid with a good cardio sweat session and an effective weight routine at the gym.

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